Welcome back to our Mossy Green Kids blog.
The past three 'covid years' are firmly behind us and happily, Mossy Green Kids begins this Spring with news of a beautiful planting project.
One of our local primary schools is at the final stages of a building re-development project.
We could not resist when a year ago, the Head Teacher offered us and the children the rare opportunity to re-imagine and grow a new Mossy Green Kids style garden from the old one!
The garden green space incorporates ARK care, Acts of Restorative Kindness letting areas be for wild nature to flourish. This is an important part of Mossy Green Kids values and sits directly in line with the children's views too!
The most beloved trees from the old garden where three apples trees, fruiting beautifully each summer for the children to pick and eat. Before the building redevelopment began, the children made it crystal clear that these trees must be saved.
Over the summer holidays last year, work began on the redevelopment new build.
It was a very sunny and special day when the three adored apple trees, having been carefully pruned, where ready to transplant across the school field.
The huge excavator moved them one at a time to their fresh, machine dug holes. We infilled with gorgeous mulch and compost, added mycorrhiza to help with root development and used rain barrels of water to keep them happy over the summer. We hoped (with everything crossed) they would survive the move and the winter cold. This week, everybody is over the moon to see all three trees in leaf, with blossom appearing too pictured below (one and three.)
Given the schools love for fruiting trees, we have added to the collection with heritage varieties local to the Wiltshire County. English Codling is one of the oldest English cooking variety's and Roundway Magnum Bonum was originally raised by a gardener from Roundway Park in Devizes during the 1860's. Saving and growing these Wiltshire Apple variety's seems important for diversity, education and health.
The maiden trees (two years old) arrived from Adams Apples Nursery in Devon and were planted this week by an incredible team of Mossy Green Kids. The Schools new green space is under continual change, in collaboration with the children's ideas. Currently it includes a no dig food growing plot, pollinator flower patches and wild spaces of native hedging habitat for birds and mammals.
We will keep you updated. Happy Spring growing and planting!